STELAR Project

The Universität der Bundeswehr München (UniBwM)

The Universität der Bundeswehr München (UniBwM) is a young and modern campus university. Its prime location in one of Germany’s most innovative regions, its relatively small size and its technological resources ensure ideal conditions for excellent and sustainable research on an international level.

UniBwM offers not only engineering and natural sciences, but also social and economic sciences and the humanities, allowing the departments of the university to perform in-depth research into a wide range of subjects that are of great social relevance. The RI CODE research institute comprises 13 professors contributing to research and teaching in a variety of topics, including smart data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cyber defence, and quantum technology.

It will participate in the project with the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML) group under the lead of Prof. Dr. Eirini Ntoutsi. The team has a strong background in data-driven AI, especially for adaptive learning and responsible AI, and has attracted funding from several EC and 3rd party projects (DFG, Volkswagen foundation, BMBF, BMJV).

Role in the project

UniBwM will lead the activities in WP4 regarding AI-ready data, with particular focus on bias detection and mitigation, explainability, and synthetic data generation, collaborating closely with the pilot partners (AK, VISTA, ABACO) to develop a deeper understanding of sources of bias and of data and label scarcity issues.